Evolution™ Air Purifier for Furnaces and Fan Coils


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  • New & improved PATENTED ActivePure® Cell destroys over 99% of all surface and airborne contaminants faster
  • Purif ies sur faces and air, removes VOCs, smoke and odors without the use of ozone
  • Safely removes allergy and asthma triggering contaminants
  • Protects heating and cooling system from potentially  dangerous buildup
  • Creates a cleaner, safer indoor environment


  • Our proprietar y ActivePure® Technology uses light waves and a cataly tic process to produce scrubber ions hydro peroxides that destroy contaminants on sur faces and in the air.
  • Features a high intensit y UVC light that makes use of the same oxidation and ionizing proper ties of light as naturally occurring in sunlight.
  • Cer tif ied Space Technology continuously protects and purifies the environment around you.
  • ActivePure® has been tested in independent labs and proven ef fective bacteria, viruses, mold and fungi on surfaces and in the air.
  • Installed by a professional directly to the existing HVAC system ductwork.