If you look at online reviews for replacement windows, you may notice that customer feedback can be all over the place. Some people have an incredible experience, stating they wish they made the change years ago. Others may have had a negative experience saying their replacement windows were one problem after another. So, what’s the reason behind these customers having drastically different experiences? Well, replacement windows aren’t a one-size-fits-all product, and many different factors need to be considered before buying them. You can get the most expensive, top-of-the-line, cutting-edge, energy-efficient windows on the market, but they won’t do much for your home if they’re installed incorrectly. Today, we’ll go over how to choose quality energy-efficient windows so you can get the most out of your purchase. 


Make Sure the Glass is Energy-Efficient 

If you’re replacing single-pane windows, we’ve got good news. Upgrading to double-pane windows will insulate your home just about twice as much! In fact, single-pane windows are so inefficient that contractors can’t legally install them in California homes anymore! Making the switch from single to double can reduce energy bills up to 24% in the winter and 18% in the summer! If you want to see even more cost savings, we can add argon gas between the panes. The non-toxic, non-visible gas slows the heat transfer through the window, keeping you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Click here to check out some of our other glass packages and upgrades!


Choose a Reputable Window Installer

As we mentioned earlier, the window installation is not a step you want to try and cut costs on or do yourself. A sloppy installation job will leave you with air leaks and drafts and possibly an opening that leads to water damage. Your windows won’t work as well as they should if the panes are working hard to reflect heat away from your home, while there’s a gap in the frame allowing the hot summer air to flow inside. 


Window Frame Material

You may find that replacement windows come in plenty of materials, from wood to fiberglass. While each one comes with its pros and cons, one material stands out from the pack: vinyl. Unlike some of the other choices, vinyl needs the least maintenance. You won’t have to sand it, repaint it, or worry about warping, cracking, or chipping. The material is incredibly lightweight and durable. Plus, even after years, the color won’t fade. While this alone is enough to make them the preferable choice, the vinyl material is also an excellent insulator that doesn’t transfer or conduct heat easily.


The Region You Live In

One of the first ways to narrow down your search is by considering your local region and climate. If the windows you’re looking at are designed to let as much heat enter the home as possible, they’re perfect for Alaska, but not so much for Southern California. To get the most energy savings and comfort control, you want to make sure the windows are designed for your local weather. 


Plan Out Your Window Placement 

You can strategically choose to add Low-E (low-emissivity) glass coating to windows in specific areas of your home. For example, if your living room gets the most sunlight throughout the day and has the largest windows, these are the windows that need the most attention. The Low-E coating is a layer of thermal protection that helps reflect the summer heat, winter cold, and block harmful UV rays from entering your home and fading your carpets and furniture.


Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of how to choose quality energy-efficient windows, you should feel confident making an informed purchasing decision for your home! If you have any other questions, give us a call to speak to one of our team members at (951) 682-0208 or get a free quote by going online at calshowcase.com.